Wedding Special: Take 20% of your Package Price by Paying in FULL at the time of Booking.

Lock in your 24/25/26 wedding date today to avoid disappointment. Offer ends Aug 31st 2024. 

Gallery, Passwords and Ordering Questions


Ordering / Online Gallery Information

Passwords which one? With our website there are two (2) different passwords you may come across.  

 Account password.  To register an account all you have to do is add an email address and a password. This password is your own password (nothing to do with the gallery password) and lets you  log in to your own account. Accounts let you save your favourites, buy images and many more features.

Gallery Password   Our galleries are password protected and will have a password that you will need to enter to view the gallery. (clients will receive an email with the password when the gallery goes live). 

Please note we do not give out passwords to galleries only our clients can do this so if you require a password you will need to contact them directly.  

Fine Art Books

I have a Fine Art Book Included in my package, how do I order it? 

1.  Pick the images you would like in your book. The best way to start this is with a rough cull by clicking on the hearts of the ones you think you like. It does not matter how many you pick at this stage, if you think you like it, pick it. You will need to logged into your account to do this. When you have gone through your photo's click on "My Favourites"  (it will either be at the top of the page on a desktop computer or under the menu on a mobile device). This will then only show you your favourite images. To remove images out of your favourites if you have to many, click on the heart.

2. Now that you have culled down the images to the ones you would like in your Fine Art Book , click on a shopping cart icon and this will bring up the ordering page. 

3. Click on Fine Art Books, select the one included in your package, Click the link to see cover colour (scroll down to see pics of colours) and any other options you require then click on "Add To Cart"  and follow the instructions on the screen. 

4. This will let you add images individually to your fine art book OR  A short cut to adding all of your favourite images to your cart in 3 clicks is.

Click on "My Favourites" this will show all your favourites. Then click on the link saying "add all my favourites..."   then "Yes, add these"   this will add all of your favourites to your book. 

Click on a shopping cart under  any of the images and this will then show you what images have been added to your book as well as letting you add or delete images.

5. When you are happy with your selection click on "Shopping Cart"  (at top of page)  then click on "Proceed to checkout".

It is very important to follow through fully with the checkout procedure or the order does not get sent through to us.

 ORDER  your Client File Retouch Package

I have a Client file retouch package included, how do I order it? 

1.  Pick the images you would like  retouched. The best way to start this is with a rough cull by clicking on the hearts of the ones you think you like. It does not matter how many you pick at this stage, if you think you like it, pick it. You will need to logged into your account to do this. When you have gone through your photo's click on "My Favourites"  (it will either be at the top of the page on a desktop computer or under the menu on a mobile device). This will then only show you your favourite images. To remove images out of your favourites if you have to many, click on the heart.

2. Now that you have culled down the images to the ones you would like retouched, click on a shopping cart icon and this will bring up the ordering page.

3. Click on Client File retouch package "Add To Cart"  and follow the instructions on the screen. 

4. This will let you add images individually to your package OR  A short cut to adding all of your favourite images to your cart in 3 clicks is.

Click on "My Favourites" this will show all your favourites. Then click on the link saying "add all my favourites..."   then "Yes, add these"   this will add all of your favourites to your retouch package. 

Click on a shopping cart under  any of the images and this will then show you what images have been added to your package as well as letting you add or delete images.

5. When you are happy with your selection click on "Shopping Cart"  (at top of page)  then click on "Proceed to checkout".

It is very important to follow through fully with the checkout procedure or the order does not get sent through to us.

Tags book in your wedding, fine art prints
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